More Album Cover Outtakes

Though probably best known for his images of Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo and other Hollywood celebrities, veteran photographer Tom Kelley created magic with David Bowie 48 years ago to the day.


In May 1975, at his Studio in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, Tom Kelley (1914 -1984) took a series of photographs of David Bowie that were first used to promote the single ‘Fame’, his first US No.1 hit, and also to feature in the 1976 Isolar Tour programme. But his most famous photograph adorned the cover of the Greatest Hits compilation album that cemented The Thin White Duke’s stardom by hitting top 10 on both sides of the Atlantic: Changes One (1976).


RCA used a picture from the session for the cover of Peter And The Wolf (1978), as well as 10 x 8 promotional photos for press kits. Kelley later said of the session: “Bowie took me back to the golden age of movie stars. He’s a visionary who looks into the camera as though he can see the finished pictures.”


Released on this day 48 years ago.


Photographs © Tom Kelley

Further Reading:

   Sound & Vision | Bowie’s Album Covers Ranked

   David Bowie | Album Reviews

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13 Responses to More Album Cover Outtakes

  1. Badfinger (Max) says:

    Cool history on that. It was the photo session that kept giving. Bowie was one of the most photogentic stars ever.

  2. Steve says:

    I’ve always admired the ‘ChangesOneBowie’ photo.

  3. Again, I find these articles fascinating. And 48 years ago…ugh…i’m getting old.

  4. obbverse says:

    Bowie was so photogenic, but not in a standard bland way. His teeth gave him that imperfectly perfect juuuust off-centre look.

    Thanks for the look in, I appreciate it very much.

    I looked through to the start of the album covers- 10 years back, that’s a long time blogging! Just thought I’d toss in a couple that I’ve long liked; the Motels 1979 (bathing beauty) cover and the uneasy Violent Femmes first album. Sort of looks like an outtake from Steven King screenplay of ‘It.’ Both are weirdly artistic IMO.

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